Kanaka Hospitality

Hotel Management Services

Hotel Operation

Management & Operations

With our dedicated team competency, Kanaka Hospitality can support ownership in the following areas: Daily Operations, Business Planning, Capital Expenditure Planning, Market Analysis (including demand and competition), and Technology.

Kanaka Hospitality sets and maintains careful procedures and controls in all departments within each hotel.  A comprehensive analysis of staff productivity is our concern to maximize productivity. Effective preventive maintenance and scheduled deep cleaning defers capital expenditures while creating the best comfort for guests. An energy plan is established at each property to maximize all efficiency opportunities.  

Kanaka Hospitality adds value to individual properties by making informed recommendations to improve the physical property, provide more consistent service levels, increase revenues and control expenses.  The following is a sample of some of the services we provide:

  • Turnaround Opportunities
  • On-Property Supervision
  • Rooms Management
  • Food & Beverage Management
  • React to Guest Satisfaction Surveys

Sales & Marketing

Involves the strategic creation and implementation of an organization's marketing efforts achieving priority goals, such as increasing brand awareness, strategic revenue management, focused ecommerce & boosting revenue include optimize marketing campaigns to gain new customers and retain loyal customers.


The execution of backend business functions, involves overseeing property, inventory, and quality control to ensure market-ready products and service and managing business efficiency.

Human Resource & Development

Managing the organizational function that manages all of the issues related to the people in an organization. That includes but is not limited to compensation, recruitment, and hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, policy administration, and training.